About Us…

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Janine Kennedy ND, RN

“The human body is a living instrument. When tuned correctly, it plays a beautiful melody. Now let's find your body's perfect tune.”

Janine Kennedy is a Registered Nurse (RN) with a a Doctorate in Naturopathic Health (ND) and is Board Certified (BCND).  She is also a bioresonance and alternative-therapy expert with over 16 years’ experience in biofeedback alone.  Her additional certifications are numerous, she has given hundreds of seminars and lectures, and has been a guest on various radio programs throughout the United States.  Janine’s journey in alternative health began in 1980 while enrolled at Andrews University.  While there, she befriended a very unique, visionary teacher who mentored her as she helped design, implement and lead wellness programs. This culminated in her position as Head RN for the University’s first Wellness Retreat Center in 1986, where people traveled across the globe in search of better health. In 1991 Janine began a business as a registered nurse, contracting herself out to different hospitals and community health centers throughout the United States. Years later equipped with a greater understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the U.S. medical system Janine left  allopathic care and committed herself 100% to helping others learn how to heal and regenerate their body at a cellular level.

Over 30 years later, Janine remains passionate about helping people improve their health and well-being.  She believes that the human spirit has the potent ability to bring about healing when it is given the necessary support to do so and uses her unique knowledge to help thousands.  Today she is the leading professional behind Bioscan Pro and she utilizes the BioscanPro™ almost every day for herself, her family, and her clients.